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Activity Details - Water Rocket Launch

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The Weekette / Planning / Activity Details - Water Rocket Launch

Activity Details - Water Rocket Launch

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Description: Rockets which have been built fro two-liter bottles and assorted bits of craft materials are launched using a compressor.
Previously Held:Never
Description:Rockets are clamped into the launcher. Everyone moves back at least 30'. Rockets are pressurized using a compressor and gauge. When the pressure is sufficient, the compressor is stopped and the launch cord is pulled.
An adult must serve as launch coordinator.
Time Frame:Day
Preparation: Rockets should be built in advance. Launch area must be clear of hazards and in a large clearing so rockets can land safely.
Equipment Requirements:Moderate
Instructions: Mount your rocket and move back at least 30'. Keep your eye on the launched rockets in case of a mishap.
Detailed Equipment:
Air Compressor
rocket launching equipment
long air hoses.

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