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Activity Reports Help

Moms also say: "Wildly underpriced! I'd have gladly paid twice as much to send my boys away for the week."

The Weekette / Help / Activity Reports Help

Activity Reports Help


View Activities with History
This report shows all the activities by name and description; it links to a view of the actiivity details. If the activity has been hled before, it shows when we last held it and links to thast camp.
View Activities with HMD
This report shows all the activities by name and description; it also shows the mitigated risk for the activity and links to the Risk Mitigation Worksheet. It doesn't show activities which don't have risk mitigation in place.
View All Activities
Every activity ever suggested with its short description.
View Active Activities
Every activity held or proposed in the last 5 years with its description.
View Inactive Activities
Every activity neither held nor proposed in the last 5 years with its description.
Export All Activities
Every activity ever suggested with its short description. Formatted for easy export to an escel spreadsheet.
Export Active Activities
Every activity held or proposed in the last 5 years with its description. Formatted for easy export to an escel spreadsheet.
Export Inactive Activities
Every activity neither held nor proposed in the last 5 years with its description. Formatted for easy export to an escel spreadsheet.