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Planning: Review Plan for Winter Camp

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Planning: Review Plan for Winter Camp

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TaskAssignedCategoryTarget DateCompleted

December 2023

Adviser for following year identified GroupAdministration2023-12-312024-01-06
Collect food samples for historical purposes. Sam B.Administration2023-12-312023-12-31
Identify someone to take home and clean towels Sam B.Administration2023-12-312024-01-05
Identify someone to take home bottles Sam B.Administration2023-12-312023-12-31
Notes on issues with activities are collected at the end of camp and discussed at a post-camp evaluation. Connor J.Evaluation2023-12-312024-01-10
Notes on issues with meals are collected at the end of camp and discussed at a post-camp evaluation. Sam B.Evaluation2023-12-310000-00-00
Spice and leftover food inventory created Sam B.Food2023-12-312023-12-31
Target items for replacement or addition to gear identified Sam B.Administration2023-12-312023-12-31
Themes proposed for following year Ryan S.Program2023-12-312024-01-26
Youth Leader for following year identified GroupAdministration2023-12-312024-01-06

January 2024

Activities database updated with corrections Connor J.Program2024-01-312024-01-07
Bottles Returned Sam B.Food2024-01-312024-01-07
Deliver report on Winter Camp at Chapter meeting Connor J.Administration2024-01-312024-01-26
Evaluation data collated and shared Connor J.Evaluation2024-01-312024-01-20
Evaluation data collected Connor J.Evaluation2024-01-312024-01-20
Final Balance Sheet prepared Ryan S.Administration2024-01-312024-01-05
Manual Updated with new traditions and new nicknames Ryan S.Administration2024-01-312024-01-10
Meals Database updated with corrections Sam B.Food2024-01-312024-01-07
Prepare and distribute the post-camp newsletter OtherMarketing2024-01-312024-01-31
Provide updates on Social Media Ryan S.Marketing2024-01-312024-01-24
Report service hours Ryan S.Administration2024-01-312024-01-18
Updated food inventory into menu database Sam B.Food2024-01-31

Upload photos to Winter Camp Photo Share OtherMarketing2024-01-31

Website Update: Planning page for next year OtherProgram2024-01-312024-01-01
Write History Past LeaderAdministration2024-01-31

February 2024

Discuss theme, events, and meals online and in-person Ryan S.Program2024-02-28

Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events Ryan S.Marketing2024-02-28

Promote Winter Camp on social media channels Ryan S.Marketing2024-02-28

March 2024

Discuss theme, events, and meals online and in-person Ryan S.Marketing2024-03-31

Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events Ryan S.Program2024-03-31

Promote Winter Camp on social media channels Ryan S.Marketing2024-03-31

April 2024

Conceive event Steve D.Council2024-04-01

Discuss theme, events, and meals online and in-person Ryan S.Program2024-04-30

Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events Ryan S.Marketing2024-04-30

Promote Winter Camp on social media channels Ryan S.Marketing2024-04-30

May 2024

Discuss theme, events, and meals online and in-person Ryan S.Program2024-05-31

Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events Ryan S.Marketing2024-05-31

Promote El Mediodia Ryan S.Marketing2024-05-31

Promote Winter Camp on social media channels Ryan S.Marketing2024-05-31

June 2024

Complete Project Charter Steve D.Administration2024-06-01

Recruit Volunteers Steve D.Council2024-06-01

Discuss theme, events, and meals online and in-person Ryan S.Program2024-06-30

Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events Ryan S.Marketing2024-06-30

Promote El Mediodia Ryan S.Marketing2024-06-30

Promote Winter Camp on social media channels Ryan S.Marketing2024-06-30

July 2024

Charter approved Steve D.Council2024-07-01

Complete Self-Assessment of Short-Term Camp readiness Steve D.Administration2024-07-01

Conduct First Planning Meeting Ryan S.Program2024-07-31

Determine Cost Ryan S.Administration2024-07-31

Discuss theme, events, and meals online and in-person Ryan S.Program2024-07-31

Finalize Theme Ryan S.Program2024-07-31

Hold El Mediodia OtherMarketing2024-07-31

Prepare promotional flyer Ryan S.Marketing2024-07-31

Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events Ryan S.Marketing2024-07-31

Promote Winter Camp on social media channels Ryan S.Marketing2024-07-31

Reserve Cabin Steve D.Administration2024-07-31

August 2024

Prepare and Submit Registration Form Steve D.Council2024-08-01

Recruit Short-Term Camp Administrator Steve D.Administration2024-08-01

Submit Flyers and Marketing material Steve D.Council2024-08-01

Distribute flyer at Chapter events Ryan S.Marketing2024-08-31

Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events Ryan S.Marketing2024-08-31

Promote Winter Camp on social media channels Ryan S.Marketing2024-08-31

September 2024

Administrator completes initial assessment STCAAdministration2024-09-01

Address noted exceptions Steve D.Administration2024-09-30

Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events Ryan S.Marketing2024-09-30

Promote Planning Meeting Ryan S.Marketing2024-09-30

Promote Winter Camp on social media channels Ryan S.Marketing2024-09-30

Reserve location for planning meeting Steve D.Administration2024-09-30

October 2024

Complete corrective assessment STCAAdministration2024-10-31

Contact Rangers to discuss likely projects Service CoordinatorService2024-10-31

Invite Lodge and Area Key 3 to attend or visit Winter Camp. Ryan S.Marketing2024-10-31

Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events Ryan S.Marketing2024-10-31

Promote Planning Meeting Ryan S.Marketing2024-10-31

Promote Winter Camp on social media channels Ryan S.Marketing2024-10-31

November 2024

Recruit Activity Adviser Steve D.Admistrative2024-11-01

Recruit Activity Leader Ryan S.Admistrative2024-11-01

Recruit Kitchen Adviser Steve D.Admistrative2024-11-01

Recruit Kitchen Leader Ryan S.Admistrative2024-11-01

Send corrective assessment to council STCAAdministration2024-11-07

Contact Rangers to set day for projects Service CoordinatorService2024-11-21

Coordinate service day and projects with rangers Service CoordinatorProgram2024-11-21

Identify any special equipment requirements for projects Service CoordinatorService2024-11-21

Promote Planning Meeting Ryan S.Marketing2024-11-21

Collate new activity ideas from website(s), email, and previous evaluations Connor J.Program2024-11-22

Collate new meal ideas from website(s), email, and previous evaluations Sam B.Food2024-11-22

Create dead and live lists prior to the planning meeting. Ryan S.Administration2024-11-22

Promote Shopping Trip Sam B.Marketing2024-11-22

Conduct final planning meeting Ryan S.Administration2024-11-28

Monitor Soda Sales at local stores for good bargains Sam B.Administration2024-11-30

Print Mitigation Sheets and add to the camp binder. Connor J.Administration2024-11-30

Print Winter Camp Manuals Ryan S.Administration2024-11-30

Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events Ryan S.Marketing2024-11-30

Publish Schedule Ryan S.Program2024-11-30

Spread Information about projects and equipment to membership. Service CoordinatorService2024-11-30

December 2024

Complete Hazard Mitigation for current activities Matt G.Administration2024-12-04

Review assessments, forward to STCA Steve D.Administration2024-12-05

Complete final assessment for planning STCAAdministration2024-12-15

Address concerns Steve D.Administration2024-12-20

Final reminder of projects and equipment for members Service CoordinatorService2024-12-20

Promote camp at Chapter Meeting and other Chapter events Ryan S.Marketing2024-12-20

Spread Information about projects and equipment to membership. Service CoordinatorService2024-12-20

Add Previous Year’s Food Samples to Display Sam B.Administration2024-12-22

Arrange for Ceremonial Gear needed for Time Capsule and other ceremonies to be at camp QuartermasterProgram2024-12-22

Close registration Doug W.Administration2024-12-22

Custom 3D Printing OtherProgram2024-12-22

Determine final roster Doug W.Administration2024-12-22

Gather recipes for meals Sam B.Food2024-12-22

Monitor Activity Preparation Connor J.Program2024-12-22

Monitor Meal Preparation Sam B.Food2024-12-22

Prepare activities Connor J.Program2024-12-22

Prepare and print the Pre-Camp Newspaper OtherAdministration2024-12-22

Prepare Meals Sam B.Food2024-12-22

Reminder for Towels to come to Camp Sam B.Administration2024-12-22

Secure Campership Funding Doug W.Administration2024-12-22

Select catchphrase for previous Winter Camp and prepare new sign OtherAdministration2024-12-22

Use Meals Database to create final menu OtherFood2024-12-22

Cross-reference leftover list with shopping list Sam B.Administration2024-12-23

Use Meals Database to create shopping list OtherFood2024-12-23

Print Recipe Book and Meal Sheets Sam B.Food2024-12-24

Print Schedule and Menu pages Ryan S.Administration2024-12-24

Procure Trading Post Items Ryan S.Administration2024-12-24

Shop for bulk food items Sam B.Food2024-12-24

Enjoy holiday; pack OtherProgram2024-12-25

Complete shopping Sam B.Food2024-12-26

Confirm project day with rangers Service CoordinatorService2024-12-26

Coordinate Rides OtherAdministration2024-12-26

Participate in set-up day if desired Ryan S.Program2024-12-26

Redundant or obsolete gear removed for either donation, recycling, or trash Sam B.Administration2024-12-26

Conduct on-site assessment STCAAdministration2024-12-27

Execute the schedule until Dec 31 Ryan S.Program2024-12-27

Coordinate service projects with rangers Service CoordinatorService2024-12-31

Risk: Legacy OtherProgram2024-12-31